Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More about Websites

The website above is http://www.tiesto.com/. I will be using some parts from this website for my final project. Its a flash based website when the website first loads. You can choose to go to tiesto.com or the elements of life tour website. I chose tiesto.com here. It has a section at the top left that plays music while you are on the site and allows you to change the song. Then theres a bar with links further down on the page that takes you to the news section, schedule, artist, gallery, media, goodies, shop, e-shop, and interactive. Further down on the site it has news, links to more news, and links to videos on the site.

1 comment:

Web art & design said...

tiesto.com is not really a flash based site. It includes a flash banner. It is a simple css / html site that is typical of many generic info sites all over the web. You could develop a site like this with some photoshop and basic web design skills.
You need to look more at more engaging design / art (or arty if you will) sites out there. Check the many links on the lass blog.