Saturday, April 5, 2008

Art or Design

The website that I choose to discuss whether it is art or design is It is the official website for the movie 21, which is about Ben Campbell who is a brilliant M.I.T. student who needs to pay his school tuition and does so by playing cards. He is recruited to join a group of the schools most smartest students that heads to Vegas every weekend with fake identities and the knowledge to turn the odds at blackjack in their favor. With an unorthodox math professor and stats genius Micky Rosa leading them, they start making money, by counting cards and employing an complex system of signals, the team can beat the casinos big time. Ovewehlmed by the money, the Vegas lifestyle, and by his teammate, Jill Taylor, Ben begins to push the limits. Though counting cards isnt illegal, the stakes are high, and the challenge becomes not only keeping the numbers straight, but staying one step ahead of the casinos boss: Cole Williams. 21 is inspired by the true story of the very brightest young minds in the country and how they took Vegas for millions.

I believe that the website is more design with some art in it. The art part of the website is the mutliple layers that its comprised of from using flash. The design part is the top layer which allows the user to click on it and takes them to another part of the website. The other parts of the website are clips of the movie or short videos made for the website about the movie. This website is mostly design because it is made to get the user to another part. It is not all art because the user doesn't look at the website and try to interpret its meaning. The website has a purpose to it which is why it its design.

1 comment:

Web art & design said...

"The website has a purpose to it which is why it its design." Art has no purpose? You need to be clearer here. The majority of this critique is a synopsis of the movie - not what was requested.