Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Page Five

This page is the extreme element of my identity. The background is a picture of the Sydney skyline taken from the balcony of my apartment. I put up a picture of myself bungy jumping at the Nevis in New Zealand. It was over 140 meters. I put up another picture of people skydiving, which I did in Cairnes. And the bottom picture is one of myself and my friends riding an elephant in Thailand.

Page Four

This page is about my school identity. The background is a picture of the University of Sydney, which is where I'm currently studying for this semester. At home in the U.S., I go to Ramapo College of New Jersey. I put up a picture of the Ramapo mascot which is a roadrunner.

Page Three

This page is about my work life. I have done various financial internships. The background is of the bull, which is located on wall street in New York City. The bull is one of the most recognizable symbols of Wall Street. This summer I'll be working at a hedge fund in New Jersey, with hopes of working on Wall Street full time after I graduate school.

Page Two

This is the second page of my website. It is the about my home (the US), which is a big part of my identity. The background is of New York City, which is very close to where I live. I also put up a picture of New Jersey, which is where I live. Then I put the logos of the New York Yankees and the New York Jets up, which are my favorite sports teams. To change the look of all the grapics I used the filter gallery.

Home Page

This is the homepage for my identity website. I chose one of my favorite ferrari's as the main part of the homepage because a ferrari enzo has many dimensions, just like my identity does. I used one of the options from the filter gallery to change up the look of the car.